
Life is Swede

A love refugee in Stockholm…




Hanna was reading.  That's what's really got to me.  Not Malin's insane insinuations, I am treating those with the contempt they deserve, but when von Dursen told me that Hanna read everything I said about her and was feeling horrible,... Continue Reading →

Chain Reaction

It struck me over the weekend that our apartment looks exactly the same.  Anders' kooky storage boxes and my pile of random crap from my suitcase I've never got around to putting away.  The photo of us from Thailand is... Continue Reading →

Think Tank

I need to keep it together. I am keeping it together.  I'm actually good at that, I always have been.  Of course I get emotional, about stupid things, little insecurities and worries, but when it's big, when other people are... Continue Reading →

Real Hope

I wish I could say I was excited by this new information. I tried to be: I kept telling myself it was a glimmer of real hope. This guy has motive, resources, and is unstable. The only real problem was... Continue Reading →


"I should have been a fucking actress," Tove mused bitterly as we sat in this crappy fast food joint at the bus station.  She had been faking being drunk that night, she hadn't even told Daniel yet - she still... Continue Reading →


The next morning I sat on the giant, blue, double decker bus headed for the sticks, watching the nondescript countryside zip by through the drizzle. I toyed with my phone.  I don't trust the police.  My Grandma, for all her... Continue Reading →

Somethin’ Stupid

"He wouldn't." Anders strode right past our bus stop, towards the hulking mass of the Opera House, his long legs covering three times the ground I could with each stride.  I had to scuttle to keep up. "Not Daniel."  I... Continue Reading →

The Many Faces of Hanna

Something that kept occurring to me, over and over, as we sat talking with Ida, was how different her Hanna was to my Hanna. She is similar to Anders' Hanna, but not exactly the same, and a far cry from... Continue Reading →

The Other Half

Would he have fallen for me if I had known? I've always believed that part of falling in love with someone is about the reflection of yourself you see in them: falling for your best self in a good relationship,... Continue Reading →

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